CORSICA Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Tourist Attractions | France


 CORSICA Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Tourist Attractions | France

 Corsica (Corse) is an island in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the 18 regions of France. Corsica is the fourth-largest island in the Mediterranean and lies southeast of the French mainland. Corsica is a paradise for beach lovers, hikers, and outdoor sports enthusiasts, and is visited by millions of tourists each year. Corsica also boasts some of Europe's most inspiring rugged landscapes and a 1,000-kilometer shoreline with translucent waters perfect for snorkeling or scuba diving. Ajaccio is the capital of Corsica, also known for being the birthplace of Napoleon.

Corsica, a mountainous Mediterranean island, presents a mix of stylish coastal towns, dense forest and craggy peaks (Monte Cinto is the highest). Nearly half the island falls within a park whose hiking trails include the challenging GR 20. Its beaches range from busy Pietracorbara to remote Saleccia and Rondinara. It's been part of France since 1768, but retains a distinct Italian culture. 

CORSICA Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Tourist Attractions | France

CORSICA Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Tourist Attractions | France

CORSICA Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Tourist Attractions | France

CORSICA Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Tourist Attractions | France

CORSICA Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Tourist Attractions | France

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